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10 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Reminds me of som 8-Bit Platform game music. Slow the drums down and we can use it in a NES game, I'm thinking a Castlevania rip-off. The last half could be when you start running out of time, or have to face a boss. :)

svinepels responds:

Interesting ideas... If you ever make a flash, just grab my creations!

I should hate this

There's just something about this that I like, and I have no idea why. Honestly, it sounds a little flat and the notes have that annoying tone to them that remind you of cats dying.

But it's done so well... I don't know how to explain it, It's a very annoying track but I just can't turn it off. It's been favorited and this is like the 12th time I've let it loop. The bend in the note is a personal favorite.

Good stuff.

ShinyArmor responds:

that means alot to me...

it took a while for this much, but its not done yet.... i still got to change a couple of things b4 i upload the finished one

Great stuff

I've been listening to all of you hip-hop tracks, great stuff. I really have to say I'm impressed. Keep up the good work.

Spinewall responds:

Thank you for the vote of confidence :D
I appretiate you leaving me a review.

oh and...
Tell your frieds :P

Very nice

I don't really know what to say. I liked it.

StealthSteve responds:

Me neither. Thanks.


Really nice, that was pretty ill. I'm not sure why, but when I heard it, it reminded me of something you would have seen in a Disney movie about two crocs that live in the swamps of New Orleans. And they wear overalls.

Denvish responds:

and smoke cigars


Is this your wonderful soundloop you where talking about in the forums? How silly of me to doubt you, you must be a FL pro. I mean, using a whole 2 sounds in a 4 bar beat must have been amazingly hard. Did you even plan this out, or did you just click random spots on the piano roll until you had something that slightly resembled a beat?

This is pretty bad, especially for one who was claiming that "people just don't seem to understand how easy it is to make a sound loop". I think people understand, they just don't want to make something as shitty as this. You should really learn how to use FL before you go and bash it.

lar-jarse responds:

I dont recall saying this was "wonderful." I know it's shitty, it is the purpose of it being there, so see how high a shitty audio file could be. This praticular audio was kept at the score of 5.0 for about a month, pretty RETARDED huh?

Pretty nice

Wow! For once I actually heard something good in the top 5. That's amazing! Usually it's some fool submiting his version of a Big Tymers beat or some jackass who just randomly clicks the blank spots on the FL Piano roll until he gets something that doesn't sound like complete shit, although it still sounds like shit.

The only thing I didn't like was the fact that this beat was 3 minutes long when it was really just the same 30 seconds looped over and over and over again. That's not a bad thing, but I think you should have cut the file so it takes up less space, saves Newgrounds some bandwith, and saves me the time of downlading a 3 minute file when all I really need is the first 30 seconds and the "repeat" option turned on in my mp3 player. Nicely done!

Swapp responds:

yeah well if I could cut it I would but unfortunatly the audioportal doesn't allow resubmittin

The end was nice

Wasn't really feeling the first part, but the last bit was kind of hot. Reminded me more of Crystal Method then it did [place your favorite rapper here].


DeadByDawn responds:

That's cool. I try my best as a producer to stay away from precedence and keep treading the unbeaten path. Thanks for your review.

Not feeling it

Maybe if the sound quality was better. I think it's way too short to use by itself and not sure if it would make a good loop.


mchawking responds:

it loops pretty well, put it in an audio program


Not quit what I was expecting in "blues" but it was cool I guess. Sound quality kind of sucked


MoralLibertarian responds:

Thanks for your review.

Yeah, I have a USB chat mic. It's not very good for music. Oh well.

Age 41, Male


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